GDPR Drives Debate Over Prescriptive Versus Outcomes-Based Compliance

With GDPR now in full effect, many companies are scrambling to navigate issues the regulations have created for them, and one question is now being more pointedly discussed by many globally: is prescriptive or performance-based regulation better, specifically where personal data is concerned? The Prescriptive Approach The US and Australia both have a more prescriptive…


Chain of Responsibility (CoR) road safety laws will be more stringent from 1 October 2018, affecting all parties in the container transport logistics chain. Meanwhile, rising costs and container trade growth demand continued productivity and business improvements. Safety and productivity are shared concerns between transport operators, stevedores, importers & exporters, freight forwarders, empty container parks…

Dronesafe Makes Skies Safer in the Age of Drone Technology

It might seem counterintuitive, but it’s common knowledge and apparently the natural order of things – technology moves much faster than the rules we set to govern it. Automobiles upset the public at first and caused governments to rethink roads. Airplanes caused governments to address the skies, something they’d never had to do before. Now…